10 Digital Marketing Strategies for Low Budget Business

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Although startups with massive valuations and billions of dollars in venture capital might get most of the media attention, many startups have smaller budgets. For instance, India has the third-largest startup ecosystem in the world with about 60,000 startups.

In the majority of companies, the creation of a successful budget that is cost-effective is essential for the survival of the company. Here are ten digital marketing strategies suitable for startups which need to be in the red at the least price possible.

1. Facebook flex targeting

Flexible targeting on Facebook allows you to target users on the network which match two or more of the characteristics is one of the most effective methods to dramatically increase the effectiveness of your social media marketing without drastically increasing your budget. With this feature, it is possible to target people who frequently shop online and also have pets, or have children who have also bought minivans.

2. Cross-channel remarketing

Remarketing typically involves repeating ads on the same platforms that customers have seen they were on. In the event that a prospective customer visited the Google AdWords ad but didn’t succeed in converting, you’ll continue to display your potential customer’s Google AdWords on the same platform (ideally using a different advert every time).

Cross-channel remarketing adds an extra layer of sophistication when you show advertisements to people who are on different platforms other than the one they initially viewed the ads on. If a potential client decides to view your AdWords advertisement but doesn’t make a purchase, you can show ads to the same user on Facebook. The main benefit of this method is that it lets you combine the strength of demand-driven platforms like Google and Bing alongside the power of platforms based on user behavior like Facebook. This makes your company appear to be influential.

3. Instagram ads

You don’t need an Instagram account or profile to be able to place ads on Instagram and they are all managed through Facebook. Additionally, clicking on Instagram advertisements can direct users straight to landing pages, or even website URLs, without the need to filter through the Instagram profile. Additionally, since Facebook has more than 600 options for targeting and, in addition, because Instagram ads run on Facebook they can focus on specific groups that correspond with your company’s profile.

4. Mobile focus

Mobile ads are less expensive than tablet or desktop ads, for a better value to your dollar, think about using mobile ads as your primary strategy. In particular, on Google and Facebook, it is possible to greatly increase the amount you spend by establishing mobile-specific campaigns and directing the majority of your marketing budget to ads running on smartphones that have full-featured browsers.

5. Facebook lead ads

Facebook lead ads let users give more information about your product or service without having them leave Facebook to access it. If you’re selling products, you can make use of lead ads to promote newsletter sign-ups. build a VIP mailing list or even offer deals and discounts.

6. Google analytics with smart goals

Many startups fail to monitor conversions, making it difficult to expand results. In the absence of knowing what is working, deciding how to put your money is an uninformed guessing game. One solution? Google Analytics’ Smart Goals help solve this issue by automatically generating buying personas using data collected anonymously. Google determines the proportion of your traffic is high quality, i.e. the traffic is comprised of customers that are most likely to buy products or services from you. You can incorporate your smart objectives in Google Adwords. The trick is using the data to create CPA (cost per acquisition) bidding. This is how Google will automatically show your ads to customers that are most likely to purchase and not exceed the price you’re willing to spend.

7. Remarketing videos on video

The majority of advertisers make remarketing lists within Google AdWords, but that could be a mistake. For better outcomes, think about creating your lists of remarketing in Google Analytics and then importing them into AdWords. Another suggestion: If you install the Facebook pixels, you could build custom audience groups on Facebook which you can then target with videos.

8. Google AdWords manual placements

Google AdWords display network campaigns aren’t the top option for startups -yet they could be. One trick to avoid is to display ads on certain websites, also referred to as”placements,” that are chosen with a specific customer profile in the back of your mind. AdWords permits the choice of the placement manually and converts display campaigns into laser-targeted advertisements.

9. Google AdWords bid modifiers

Bids are among the main factors that affect the amount of money per click rate is with Google AdWords. Instead of simply setting up default bids, or leaving Google to decide the bids to make your campaign more effective by making use of bid modifiers.

Bid modifiers are percentages advertisers can use to raise or lower their bids based on factors like location, the device the advertisement will be played on, and so on. For example, you could increase the bids of ads by New York City and San Francisco and reduce the bids for ads that are viewed on mobile devices.

10. Bing Search Network campaigns

The reputation of Yahoo continues to decline, Bing search campaigns are not the most popular option for start-ups. It’s an error. For starters, If you don’t advertise on Bing you’re not gaining access to thirty percent of US users. Bing provides web search for the iPhone’s Siri, Kindle Fire, Amazon Fire Phone, Xbox and Twitter, and other platforms. Furthermore prices per user tend to be lower with Bing than. Google AdWords.

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